Welcome To The Wanderers
In this world there are no hoverboards or flying cars.
Just relics of a forgotten age Tribes of survivors
And the abominations that hunt them

A far future Cyber fantasy world of ancient machines lost worlds and radioactive deamons
In world that has changed far beyond memory or reason. The Year is Unknown but it is called by many as the Age of Chaos what is known is that some time far in the past marked with numbers 3017 the world was at the peak of human innovation but the planets resources were failing
and attempts to colonize other worlds had all failed. Thus many had turned to more fringe based research one such facility discovered the ability to vibrate molecules at certain frequency’s to travel to far off planes of existence, but the portals they opened soon went horbily wrong.
Theses Portals turned into great spires of horror whos madness broke the world
When the first men to discover chaos radiation learned of its power and near unending energy potential it drove them mad with ambition and the first steps path to doom were walked for the realms of ancient men and the road to the first Breach Spire was born. It was years before it was realized countless testing and refinement under various conditions till they thought they had done the impossible and controlled chaos itself … but one cannot control chaos
Its been thousands of years since choas was unleashed now only a few tribes of man remain
Tribes exist throughout the world and while the safe ones to interact with are primely human there are forms of non hostile Machine and even non completely hostile chaos creature that you can have dealings with. Each clan will award you merit for helping them and reduce merit when you harm or fail them.
The world is still full of old sites of power from the anchient ones
The Ruins of the ancients are the remains of the old world as well as the city's the great builders crafted in the wake of the age of chaos. These massive structures are often beyond imagining and are run by these ancient machines that still walk the world. Theses city's are also the prime source of all artifacts that are found in the world today
In the new world like in the old world its all about who you know
You start with a limited map of the world based on your starting connections the world is cast in darkness but as wanderers you have a tool known as Waycaster this when connected to old world network gives you information about the surrounding area you can venture out and add information and new networks to your caster on your own but this is very dangerous by banding together with a Tribe the first thing they will do will be to give you access to the low levels of this network
Your number one enemy in this world and the most dangerous advaisary youll ever face
Beasts of chaos are relentless monstruous horrors from the void they do not belong here are often full of radiation they are some of the most dangerous things you will ever face in the world Choas beasts are immune to all forms of radiation and have resistance against all forms of standard attacks but killing them is the only way to seal the breach spires and restore the world. It makes no difference If you don't go looking for them as they will come hunting for you
Here You Can Download the Main Game and the central Char Sheet all you need to get started playing the Wanderers
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