Vocal Responsive Lab Assistant

This project’s purpose was to create a responsive terminal that could help scientist with basic chemical information on the fly without the need for typed commands. It was called Bio Info and the result was a vocal and text based AI lab assistant designed with many skills to help with lab prep, statistical analysis and chemical recognition. It is built in Visual Studio.Net in C# and uses Pub Chem and Microsoft cognitive services API’s for language and chemical information.

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LCMS 3D Data Viewer

This Python project was designed to showcase the power of Mayavi and its 3D visualization tools as well as provide LCMS-(liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) data scientists in the Lab a quick in house tool for reading in and viewing their data. The data is shown in full 3D and after render there is usually zero delay on intractability.

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AI/ML Model-Templates

This repository provides a comprehensive set of AI/ML templates for researchers, data scientists, and developers who want to quickly get started with AI/ML projects. The templates are well-commented, easy to understand, and ready to be used as a starting point for your projects in Clasification, NLP, Nural Networks and even PCA.

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