HTML Based Mol File Reader

A web application built using html5, Javascript, Bootstrap and the Kekule JS libraries. The site allows for users to view mol files in various modes and even restructure and save their own mol files. Users have the ability to view the molecular structures in 2D and gather data on them. They can also modify any part of the structure, view data on any individual part, and even view full 3D representations of the structures.

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Flask Based Issue Tracker

A web application built using Python, Javascript, bootstrap and SQL databases. The site allows for users to track work on certain projects and open or close issues on those projects. Users have profile pages and can upload images to them, which are tracked and resized for space on the server with the pyhton lib pillows. All data entries are saved and searchable through the site’s link to a SQL database. Passwords can be reset via email.

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React Based Pathfinding Visualizer

A React web application built using Javascript, Node js and bootstrap css style sheets. The site allows for users to visualize a demo of Dijkstra's path finding algorithm. The demo suports building walls and moving the end node to different locations. It also contains links to more info on building sites with React, other forms of pathfinding algoritihims and Dijkstra's orginal one. The App is hosted by Git hub pages using a NPM GH extention.

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Django Based Web Blog

A web application built using Python, Javascript, and Bootstrap using the Django web framework. The site allows for users to post blog style info on topics they wish to discuss once they are registered. Users have profile pages and can upload images to them, which are tracked and resized for space on the server with the python lib pillows. All data entries are saved, and clicking on a user’s name will show all of their posts.

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